A breakdown of the various vegetables we receive each week. This will tell you what it is, how to handle it when you get home for maximum storage, and what meal ideas seem to work well.
Garlic, young
What is it: Literally young garlic. Think of it like a green onion.
Handling: Treat like a green onion. Wrap loosely in plastic, store in lettuce drawer.
The bottoms are a little tougher than green onions, so saute them a little longer. Add to soups and stir fries.
Jersulaem Artichokes: see Sunchokes
What is it:
These are premium goods. They're the nutrient packed 8-12 day old baby versions of plants you know well like basil, arugula, peas, kale, and buckwheat. Swanky restaurants buy them at top dollar, and you're getting them in your CSA share!
Handling: Delicate. Keep at the front of the fridge where they won't freeze.
Try them on salads and sandwiches.
What is it: A Japanese green, a little like arugula, but milder.
Handling: Rinse, wrap in paper towels, wrap loosely in plastic. Store in lettuce drawer.
Meals: These pointy leaved greens are good in salads, served raw amongst pasta and seafood, or tossed at the last minute into a stir fry or simple soup. Try quickly sauteeing them in sesame oil, then tossing with a blend of soy sauce and ground up sesame seeds.
What is it: A sweet root vegetable, it looks like a fat, cream colored carrot.
Handling: Store in the same drawer as your carrots and celery.
Meals: Grate them over a salad, roast them with other vegetables, or put them into soup. Fabulous with a bit of coriander and butter.
Scapes, onion or garlic
What is it: The flowering tops of alliums (onions, garlic, shallots), these can be treated mostly as you treat a mild green onion top that tastes like its respective root.
Don't eat the flowering bulb right at the top.
Handling: Store loosely in plastic at the bottom of the fridge.
Meals: Use everywhere you would use onions, garlic, shallots, or green onions. Start off stirfries, mix into pestos, use as a vehicle for vegetable dip, disappear them into soups.
What is it: This is the leaf of an edible chrysanthemum, popular in Asian cuisine.
Handling: Rinse, wrap in paper towels, then in loose plastic. Store in lettuce drawer.
It is tasty in a supporting role in salads, and as a last minute addition to stir fries and soups.
What is it: Also known as Jerusalem Artichokes, these are the nutritious tubers of a sunflower relative. Scrub them clean - peeling is optional. They're like a cross between potatoes and water chestnuts.
I advise going slow on the first meal with them -- a "pre-biotic" that support healthy gut flora and fauna, they're a little like cabbage in that a minority of people react gassily to eating them.
They'll keep 2-3 weeks in the fridge or a cool, dark space.
Meals: They can be sliced thinly over salads, pureed into soups, or roasted with other veggies.